Random Remembrances
My first remembrance of life is a recollection of being in the front room of what I think is the first house our family lived in. The house was a wood frame house on the property of my dad's Uncle, Hollis Wiley Sanders outside the small Alabama town of Goshen. I have a memory picking cotton at Uncle Hollis'. I was standing in between rows of cotton with a "croker" sack, standing with my mother. I remember sitting on what was called the pump house in the back yard of Uncle Holis & Aunt Ethel "Ahny". This pump house was made of cinder blocks with a green flat top. It seems like the top was metal of some kind. I remember being given peaches and slurping them up because they were like candy. The backyard was grass with a line of pecan trees that separated the yard from the field to the west. The peach trees were on the north edge of the lawn, again separating the yard from the field. While Dad continued construction on our home in Florida, we seemed to...